If you are looking for a proffesional makeup, Aberdeen offers you the best place, which is Backstage Studio. Our studio was created by Marta Morawiecka, who is not only a proffesional makeup artist, but also great clothes stylist. She is cooperating with many designers, photographers, agencies and individual clients. She is very interested in new patents and trands. With her experience you can expect only proffesional services, like style or makeup. Aberdeen is the city, where our studio is located. Our services are available for clients from London, Edinburgh and Glasgow. You are welcome to cooperate with our studio.
Medycyna naturalna - sklep
Codzienny pośpiech i związany z nim ogrom pracy sprawia, że często zapominamy o tym, co jest w życiu ważne i co gorsza, chorujemy z powodu stresu. O co konkretnie chodzi w przypadku rzeczy ważnych? Oczywiście mam...